We're partnering with the best publishers and authors in the world to help you discover extraordinary new true crime, mystery, and crime novels.

This isn't just your ordinary book club.

We have discussion questions for you to follow along with as you make your way through the book and live events.

May 2021 Book Selection
The Babysitter: My Summers with a Serial Killer by Liza Rodman and Jennifer Jordan

Upcoming Events
 ✦ LIVE ON 5/17
History of Policing with Retired US Marshal, Art Roderick

Retired US Marshal, Art Roderick will join us for a live session on the history of policing, a topic you'll learn more about in the book as well as his personal connections to Cape Cod and serial killer Tony Costa.
✦ LIVE ON 5/25
Q&A with Authors Liza Rodman and Jennifer Jordan

Authors Liza Rodman and Jennifer Jordan will join crimeHQ members at the end of the month for a live Q& A discussion.

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